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This is the foundation of a home on the Manassas Battlefield Park grounds in Virginia. The home belonged to Dr. Chrishana M. Lloyd’s great- great- uncle, the child of her great- great- great- grandfather, James Montgomery Peters. James was enslaved and ran away to fight for the Union in the Civil War, After the war, James was able to buy two acres of land, which eventually turned into many more. He gave some of that land to his son, Montgomery Peters. This photo serves as a reminder of Black family history, including our foundation and the flourishing that continues despite the forces that have attempted to damper us.
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Are you a member of the media looking to reach Black Families Flourishing to set up interviews, gain access to research, or obtain background information? Please reach out to BFF’s communications lead, Lauren Zarick.
Phone: (240) 258-8683
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